By putting purpose above profit, B Corps want to win your trust. To proudly stamp their products or services with ‘Certified B Corp’, they have to pass the stringent B Labs assessment. These tests measure the business’ environmental responsibility, its treatment of its workers, and other key pillars of a business. By supporting a B Corp, you’re helping local communities flourish and endorse financial transparency in business.
Did you know that DGW Branded is a B Corp? As part of our commitment to demonstrating the importance of mission-driven businesses to our customers, we proudly joined the movement in 2020. If you want to discover more about how we want to redefine what a business is, visit our ‘Who We Are!’
What’s the purpose of business? Historically, it’s been the pursuit of infinite profit and insatiable growth. B Corps think differently. By switching focus from shareholder interest to those of the planet, the future of business is here